Exciting Visit to UK Power Networks Training Site!
Our Business Manager for VPS Power, James Robinson, recently visited the UK Power Networks training site in Sundridge to share best practices for sampling transformer oil and introduce our new range of sampling equipment.
Accurate test results and reports depend heavily on the quality of the sample drawn and the information provided on the label. As highlighted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC):
• IEC 60475:2022 - Method of sampling insulating liquids.
• IEC 60422:2013 - Mineral Oils in electrical equipment - Supervision and maintenance guidance.
“It is essential that every effort be made to ensure that samples are representative of insulating oil in equipment. Experience indicates that oil is sometimes rejected unjustifiably because inadequate care has been taken whilst sampling. Careless sampling procedures or contamination in the sample container will lead to erroneous conclusions concerning quality and incur a waste of time, effort, and expense involved in obtaining, transporting, and testing the sample.
Sampling should be performed by an experienced person, who has received adequate training in accordance with IEC 60475.
It is important to bear in mind that receiving a qualitative and a representative sample is crucial for obtaining a reliable assessment of the electrical equipment. Even the most sophisticated analytical and diagnosis methods cannot overcome faulty samples.”
At VPS Power, we offer bespoke sampling training courses tailored to your business needs, ensuring your team learns the techniques of sampling in accordance with IEC 60475. Additionally, we provide a technical interpretation course to help your team better understand lab testing and reports.
For more information, please contact us at: power@vpsveritas.com