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VPS update on the bunker fuel contamination cases in Singapore

VPS, the world’s leading marine fuel testing company, updates their recent findings regarding contaminated marine fuel delivered to vessels in the Port of Singapore.

Following its bunker alerts issued on the 11th and 31st March 2022, VPS can confirm it has now identified 60 vessels that have received High Sulphur Fuel Oil (HSFO) deliveries containing chlorinated hydrocarbons bunkered in the port of Singapore. Each of these deliveries were made from two suppliers and 12 delivery barges, between mid-February to mid-March 2022 and contained chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants of up to 2,000ppm.

VPS also confirms, no new reports have been received from vessels experiencing, seriously damaging effects due to these bunker fuel contaminations, other than the 14 originally reported in our press release of 31st March.

VPS CEO Malcolm Cooper stated “We have now identified a significant quantity of bunker fuel, 140,170 metric tonnes to be precise, that has been contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons. This equates to $120 million at current market value. We would advise our customers to be very aware that this contaminated fuel remains in the supply chain and could potentially be reused or re-blended for use as a bunker fuel. The best mitigating measure to prevent the risk of receiving and using this fuel, is to test at the point of bunkering. However, as shown in this case, standard ISO8217 test methods are not sufficient to detect these contamination events. VPS therefore strongly recommend GCMS screening as the most effective method of detecting chemical contaminants in bunker fuel including chlorinated hydrocarbons.”